Home Page 2014
2014 The On Track show Saturday, 1st March 2014
We say "by modellers for modellers" , and once again we are grateful to all the people who helped make the show a success. Thank you to the traders, the clubs, the competition entrants, the organisers of various aspects of the show, not forgetting the Leas Cliff staff, who were their usual friendly, helpful selves. The larger sized photographs for the 2014 show are by Natalia Claringbold, the smaller by Bill Hanna. You can see Natalia's pictures in higher resolution on Flickr.
See photos of On Track 2014 on Flickr |
Competition supported by |
and Junior Competition supported by |
Natalia at work
Natalia's pictures above, and Bill's below, taken as the show started, while it was still easy to see the traders' stands