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The Competition at On Track


 2019   2018    2017    2016   2015    2014    2013    2012   2011


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There were no  changes to either the classes or rules from the 2018 format

Competition Classes

printable version 

Competition Programme

Competition Rules

printable version

Previous competitions





Competition 2020
Results  Pictures Best of Show
senior and junior



Best of Show 2020 "FV221 Caernarvon" by  Paul Bradman








Competition 2019
Results Pictures Best of Show
senior and junior



Best of Show 2019 "Grille" by  Steven Reay










Competition 2018
Results Pictures Best of Show
senior and junior



Best of Show 2018 "SS Induna" by  Alan Blyth










Previous competitions


Competition 2017
Results Pictures Best of Show
senior and junior



Best of Show 2017 "Monty" by  Rob Henden










Competition 2016
Results Pictures Best of Show
senior and junior



Best of Show 2016 "Captain Mainwaring" by  Rob Henden










Competition 2015
Results Pictures Best of Show



      Best of Show 2015 "Cycle of Life" by Andy Argent





Competition 2014
Results Pictures Best of Show



Competition 2013
Results Pictures Best of Show



Competition 2012


Best of Show



Competition 2011


Best of Show




Some Pictures from past shows at the Leas




On Track model show competition Classes


On Track - the military model show in Folkestone - COMPETITION CLASSES

Important note: while of course we take every care to look after models brought to the show, whether for display or to enter the competition, and to our knowledge there has never been an accident at OnTrack, we cannot accept responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur.  If you consider your model to have significant financial value, you must please check that it is insured. 


Military Vehicles, not converted or scratchbuilt, 1/48th  or larger.


Military Vehicles, scratchbuilt or converted (to a type, version, or mark other than that depicted by the original kit), 1/48th or larger.


Military Vehicle Diorama, 1/48th or larger.


Military Vehicles of all types, smaller than 1/48th.


Military Vehicle Dioramas smaller than 1/48th.


Military Aircraft Models and dioramas, all scales.


Military Figure Models and Busts, of all types and scales, including vignettes and figure dioramas.


Miscellaneous. All models not covered by the above classes.


Junior: Models of all types and all scales.

Models on bases should be securely fixed, or clearly indicated if not. While every effort is taken to ensure the safety of models, and prevent damage, no liability is accepted by the organisers, and entry is at the owner’s risk. We reserve the right to move models for organisational, promotional, or photographic reasons.




Logging the entries



On Track model show rules

On Track - the military model show in Folkestone - COMPETITION RULES

Judging will be by a panel of appointed judges, whose decision will be final.  In the event of a dispute the Show Organiser will have the ultimate decision.

‘Junior’, denotes any person who is UNDER 16 on the day of the show

The following models are not permitted to enter:   

1.     Models which are not complete or finished.

2.     Models which are not predominantly the work of the entrant.

3.     Models built by professional modellers which have been constructed using means not available to the average modeller, such as machine tooling, etc.  If in doubt, please ask!

4.     Models which may cause offence, such as ‘glamour’ models.

Bases are permitted on all models; however, with the exception of the diorama classes, groundwork must be kept to a minimum.  Trees and fixed structures of any kind are not permitted.  In all but the diorama classes, a maximum of one figure is permitted on the ground, provided it relates to the vehicle.  Figures are allowed on the vehicle.  Vehicle dioramas must include at least one vehicle.

The judges will be evaluating models on a number of points, including choice of subject, degree of difficulty, finish, accuracy, and presentation.   This does not mean that a difficult scratchbuilt project will automatically impress the judges more than a straight kit built model.  Their judging will take account of the type of model they are evaluating.

While every effort is taken to ensure the safety of models, and prevent damage, no liability is accepted by the organisers, and entry is at the owner's risk.  We reserve the right to move models for organisational, promotional, or photographic reasons.

Entry into the competition denotes understanding and acceptance of the rules.





On Track model show rules

On Track - the military model show in Folkestone - COMPETITION PROGRAMME
Friday Setting Up. Competition table, booking-in desk,
competitors sorting out table, preparing awards
10.00  Booking-in.  Free entry.
12.30  Booking-in closes.  Competition area closed off.
Judging starts  -  Manufacturers' awards  -  Photography
16.00 Prize Giving on Stage
Removal of competition models
16.45  Clearing of Competition area





On Track - the military model show in Folkestone -